Sunday, August 29, 2010


Some changes are about to make their way through my life in the next two weeks: I begin teaching at a new school, and I am moving(not far away though, within Winnipeg limits). With the beginning of these new things, and the end of summer, I feel the need to make a change or a commitment to my artmaking. Since drawing in London, and feeling renewed about how and what I'm drawing pictures of, I decided that I don't want this newfound inspriation to fade. My solution to not getting lost in the working world and having art energy fade is that I am commiting to making AT LEAST ONE IMAGE A DAY. I have been inspired by art-a-day artists and their blogs such as Don Nace who makes a drawing a day as a type of journalling, Kal Barteski a Designer who sought making art as a form of creative renewal, and Somsara Rielly who, to mark her 35th year began a collage a day for a year(And recently finished in July!).

I have decided to set a few rules for myself for this commitment:
-Images can be drawn, painted, collaged, sewn, etc, however a photograph doesn't count unless I put some time into editing, or if it requires a major amount of arranging to take the photo.
-If I miss a day and don't make an image I can make up for it the next day, or can make a bunch of images one day and be off the hook for days following. Either way, by the end of the week I should still have 7 images, one for each day.
-Images must be at last 4 by 6 inches, but one large piece does not count towards multiple images.
-Images can be made anywhere, on anything.
-This commitment begins at 12 AM August 30, 2010 and ends at 12 AM August 30th 2011. In one year's time I should have accumulated 365 images. If I am unsuccessful in achieving this deadline extensions may be permitted, but with a penalty of one extra image for each week it is overdue.
-I can terminate this commitment in the event of: personal tragedies, loss of limb, very major commissions, or extreme hatred of being committed to an image-a-day.
-I do not need to blog each image made.
-Images can include any theme, HOWEVER at least one image a week is to report on a current event in the news.
-Images made for Illustration Friday count.
-Images should feel finished.
-Projects started before this commitment began can count towards a finished image, upon completion of the project.
-Images made prior to August 30th can not be counted, unless reworked and refinished.


  1. Ooh, starting today!! I hope your new project works out well.
    I tried to do a visual diary thing, started in May, but alas failed in August! :) Oh well, but I'm sure you'll do better. Looking forward to your art! Thanks for your visit and greetings from Hong Kong !

  2. I need to post some images. So far, even though it was only the first week, it was a challenge! I did need to remind myself to do it, and often was making my images around 12 at night. -It's only the first 4 days! So far so good though, I'm feeling happy about it.
    I'm worried my initiative for it will peter out, but that's why I set the rules for myself.


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