Alright here's my confession: I got lazy about blogging. I built up a good rythm for blogging for a while there, and then it kind of fell to the back burner. It is my new year's resolution to start blogging again. I'd like to catch you up to speed as to some of the things that have been going on since the blogging slowed to a trickle:
•I was married in December! As much as I would like to think I wasn't a bride that let a wedding get in the way of other things in my life, I was like that to a point, but then wedding and social stuff took over pretty much from Sept-December. All that is now done, and I"m easing into married life with my new husband and am thoroughly enjoying having time back (and a husband!).
•My work hours were bumped up in Sept, so I am kept busier with that than I used to be.
•Aside from my regular teaching hourse I started teaching an after school children's art class again through continuing education which ended yesterday, so I'll get a little time back to work on my own things.
•I travelled to newfoundland, and hit up other major cities along the way for most of August.
•House repairs/renos have unfortunately consumed more time than I'd like. My art room ceiling had to be replaced and I've been slow with putting it back together. I set up space in the basement so I have at least had working space. Our bathroom is also under construction which I've been helping with.
•I am taking the course titled "The Art of Managing your Career". It is a course offered through the
Arts and Cultural Industries of Manitoba and taught by
Heather Bishop. Each class has offered more and more wisdom, advice and is really motivating me with business plans and my artistic goals. I will be posting more about that soon.